====== 透明化処理に関する調査 ====== 文献に記載されている情報。 昆虫一般 > Clear specimens by adding a few drops of Clove Oil or Histoclear (for Canada balsam), Euparal Essence (for Euparal) or an appropriate product for any alternative mountant. [(brown2006>>page:16)] タバココナジラミ > Add a few drops of clove oil, enough to allow the specimens to float freely, and leave for at least 10 min while the specimens clear. [(eppo2004>>page:288)] マルカイガラムシ科 > Transfer to 1–2 drops of clove oil and leave from 2 minutes up to 2 days (the specimens may become brittle if left longer than this). [(henderson2011>>page:17)] カイガラムシ > The dewaxed, dehydrated specimens are transferred to high quality, anhydrous clove oil to soak for at least 10 minutes, to clear the cuticle. Clove oil also removes any remaining water and lipids. Provided it is kept clean and anhydrous, clove oil can be re-used many times. [(kondo2022)] 一般 > If a specimen is intended for mounting in a hydrocarbon-soluble medium, aniline oil (toxic, carcinogen), anise oil, benzene, benzyl benzoate, bergamot oil, cajeput oil (= cajuput oil), cedarwood oil, cinnamon oil (= cassia oil), clove oil, creosote (a mixture of various phenols), isoamyl acetate, limonene, methyl benzoate (= Niobe oil), methyl salicylate (= wintergreen oil), origanum oil, phenol, terpineol (= artificial oil of lilac), tert-butyl alcohol, or oil of turpentine (applied first about 1843) may be used for clearing the specimen (Fig. 13; Behrens 1892, pp. 68–70; Spence 1940d; Fox 1942; Doetschman 1944; Gatenby & Beams 1950, pp. 66–70; Hardwick 1950; Wagstaffe & Fidler 1955, pp. 173–174; Wirth & Marston 1968; Heming 1969; Barbosa 1974; Bracegirdle 1978, p. 82; Martin 1978, p. 129; Palma 1978; Pritchard & Kruse 1982; Krauter 1983; Berland 1984; Böck 1989; Sanderson 1994, p. 43; Brown 1997; Kiernan 2015; Gill 2013, pp. 248–249). [(neuhaus2017>>page:14)] アブラムシ、カイガラムシ、コナジラミ > Remove from 95 percent ethanol and place in clove oil; leave for 5 minutes or until specimen appears nonshiny, dull, and flat. [(schauff2001>>page:67)] 腹吻亜目 > For permanent mounts, de-waxed, dehydrated specimens were soaked in high quality, anhydrous clove oil for at least 10 minutes to clear the cuticle. Clove oil also removed any remaining water and lipids. At this stage, unsightly tracheae or egg shells could be carefully extracted from the body using a mounted micropin; however, the cuticle was very fragile at this stage and that greater care was necessary. [(sirisena2013>>page:142)] アブラムシ > 完全に脱水させた虫体はキシロールに入れ透明化させる。キシロールは多少の脱水作用はあるが、余分の水分があると白濁するので、このときは再び100%アルコールに戻して脱水を計る。キシロールに浸漬する時間は半日から1日が良く、長く入れすぎると虫体がもろくなり、成形するときにこわれやすい。キシロールのほか、テレピン油、丁字油(クローブオイル)なども使用され、特にセロゾルブ液(Cellosolv, 2-Ethoxyethanol, Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether)を用いると、脱水の操作なしに虫体をバルサムで封入できる。ただ、虫体は多少、硬化して成形しにくい。[(tanaka1967>>page:375)] ===== 参考文献 ===== ~~REFNOTES~~ * [[refnotes:brown2006]] * [[refnotes:eppo2004]] * [[refnotes:henderson2011]] * [[refnotes:kondo2022]] * [[refnotes:neuhaus2017]] * [[refnotes:schauff2001]] * [[refnotes:sirisena2013]] * [[refnotes:tanaka1967]] ===== Backlinks ===== {{backlinks>.}} ===== TODO =====