
Sampling, preparation, labeling, storage and sending







clearing:study [2025/02/21 04:52] – 作成 Konajirami-yaclearing:study [2025/02/21 05:08] (現在) Konajirami-ya
行 10: 行 10:
 タバココナジラミ タバココナジラミ
-> <wrap :en>Add a few drops of clove oil, enough to allow the specimens to float freely, and leave for at least 10 min while the specimens clear.  [[eppo2004>>page:288)]</wrap>+> <wrap :en> Add a few drops of clove oil, enough to allow the specimens to float freely, and leave for at least 10 min while the specimens clear. [(eppo2004>>page:288)]</wrap>
 マルカイガラムシ科 マルカイガラムシ科
-> <wrap :en>Transfer to 1–2 drops of clove oil and leave from 2 minutes up to 2 days (the specimens may become brittle if left longer than this). [(henderson2011>>page:17)]</wrap>+> <wrap :en>Transfer to 1–2 drops of clove oil and leave from 2 minutes up to 2 days (the specimens may become brittle if left longer than this).</wrap> [(henderson2011>>page:17)] </wrap>
 カイガラムシ カイガラムシ
行 26: 行 26:
 アブラムシ、カイガラムシ、コナジラミ アブラムシ、カイガラムシ、コナジラミ
-> <wrap :en>Remove from 95 percent ethanol and place in clove oil; leave for 5 minutes or until specimen appears nonshiny, dull, and flat. [(schauf2001>>page:67)]</wrap>+> <wrap :en>Remove from 95 percent ethanol and place in clove oil; leave for 5 minutes or until specimen appears nonshiny, dull, and flat. [(schauff2001>>page:67)]</wrap>
 腹吻亜目 腹吻亜目
-> <wrap :en>For permanent mounts, de-waxed, dehydrated specimens were soaked in high quality, anhydrous clove oil for at least 10 minutes to clear the cuticle. Clove oil also removed any remaining water and lipids. At this stage, unsightly tracheae or egg shells could be carefully extracted from the body using a mounted micropin; however, the cuticle was very fragile at this stage and that greater care was necessary.  [(serisena2013>>page:142)]</wrap>+> <wrap :en>For permanent mounts, de-waxed, dehydrated specimens were soaked in high quality, anhydrous clove oil for at least 10 minutes to clear the cuticle. Clove oil also removed any remaining water and lipids. At this stage, unsightly tracheae or egg shells could be carefully extracted from the body using a mounted micropin; however, the cuticle was very fragile at this stage and that greater care was necessary.  [(sirisena2013>>page:142)]</wrap>
 アブラムシ アブラムシ
行 39: 行 39:
 ===== 参考文献 ===== ===== 参考文献 =====
 +<WRAP hide>
 +  * [[refnotes:brown2006]]
 +  * [[refnotes:eppo2004]]
 +  * [[refnotes:henderson2011]]
 +  * [[refnotes:kondo2022]]
 +  * [[refnotes:neuhaus2017]]
 +  * [[refnotes:schauff2001]]
 +  * [[refnotes:sirisena2013]]
 +  * [[refnotes:tanaka1967]]
 ===== Backlinks ===== ===== Backlinks =====
clearing/study.1740081155.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2025/02/21 04:52 by Konajirami-ya